Tailor-made industrial automation solutions
We build the future every day on the know-how of our team
ADAT is a company with a heavy focus on the knowledge of its people.
It was established with the aim of developing customised automation solutions for industry using the multi-sector experience that sets it apart.
Claudio Ongaro specializes in the electronic design of microprocessor systems
Transition from the world of electronics to industrial automation
The ADAT company, robotic applications and artificial vision, is born
Vision Equipment is born in Belgrade
2017 Opening of the local unit in Catania and participation in the Scientific and Technological Park of Sicily
Longvision srl is born
Edge Automation is born
The wide background that represents the professional figure of Claudio Ongaro, partner and CEO of ADAT, pushes him to undertake the entrepreneurial experience immediately, creating a first individual firm, already in 1987. For over five years, until 1993, specializes in electronic design of microprocessor systems, creating various products on civil and industrial world. This experience in the world of electronics is still very useful whenever it is necessary to develop something very specific in a vision system or in an automation. For the next five years, up to 1998, there is a gradual transition from the world of electronics to industrial automation. In this period, since industrial robots are not yet widespread, painting robots with self-learning programming are created, for which both the mechanical part and the electronic control part have been designed from scratch. This project has definitively sanctioned the transition to the world of industrial automation and robotics. In this period, the main areas of intervention are those of the ceramic and metalworking industry.
In 2001 ADAT company itself was born, which will design and manufacture numerous robotic applications for high-speed handling in the world of sintered products, an area in which it still manufactures systems distributed all over the world.
In the following years, artificial vision technology began to be used at first only for quality controls and subsequently combined with robotics.
Over the years, various applications in the engineering, electrotechnical and electronic sectors will be realized, studying custom systems both for the optical / lighting part and for the software.
For more than 10 years ADAT grows independently, also growing with the staff, moving nationally and internationally, expanding the field of applications and equipping itself with a powerful optical laboratory, equipped for experimentation on machine vision.
Vision Equipment was born in Belgrade in 2013, with the aim of entering the Eastern European market.
Vision Equipment works in close collaboration with ADAT for the development of the most complicated vision systems from an optical point of view, having in Belgrade personnel with considerable specific know-how.
In 2017, a local unit was opened in Catania to follow the southern Italian market which has given us excellent satisfaction so far. ADAT was in contact with Scientific and Technological Park of Sicily, in Catania, a joint-stock consortium company, participated by the Sicily Region and ADAT joins it.
In 2019 Longvision srl was born, an innovative start-up in which researchers from the research laboratory on artificial intelligence (AI) of the University of Catania are also partners.
Company was founded with the specific intention to merge academic and research experience with industrial world. Joining ADAT with its decade experience in industrial applications and Longvision, with international level of skills in artificial intelligence, was generated a very powerful capacity to manage the most sophisticates solutions.
In 2022 Edge Automation was born from the acquisition of the company branch of Patreider Srl, a well-known company from Auronzo di Cadore (BL) with thirty years of experience in the way of industrial integration on large plants, in various applications.
The operation is the result of a partnership between Adat and Patreider that has developed over the years and has led to the sharing of a strategic path that will allow Adat,
in the new Edge Automation, to face the market for systems and applications with greater potential on medium size automations.

Multidisciplinarity is the strength of the Network.
What really matters in the approach to the problem is the strategy of searching solution. Each sector intervenes, by its competence, in the design phase so that the company’s mission is always the maximum customization of solutions aimed at the fastest pay-back and efficiency.

Design, Consultancy-analysis, Industrial automation, robotics

Artificial intelligence systems

Vision systems

Edge Automation
Industrial automation
Our group and its capabilities reinforce the concept of multidisciplinarity, extended capacity for application development and technology transfer.
Specialization and experience at your service
Technical and Commercial Managment
Claudio Ongaro
Project Manager
Giuseppe Genovese
Administration, Finance and Control
Emanuela Gava
Vanessa Zanella
Andrea Cecchin
Massimiliano Contini
Eric Casagrande
Nicolas Sing
Mechanical Design
Marco Citron
Davide Braido
Software Development
Alex Casagrande
Luca Polesel
Danijel Maksimovic
Manoj Kunapalli
Puchase And Logistics
Marco Mognol
Ad hoc solution strategy for each type of request
the “made to measure” and the ad hoc solution strategy for each type of request.
constant research of the state of the art with respect to all technological innovations.
Optimization of production cycles, increase of control levels, reproduction of times and greater savings.
contacts and direct networking with national and foreign universities and research centers.
choice of solutions, first of all efficient and with adequate pay-back.
companies with complementary experiences that put together expand the problem solving capacity.
multidisciplinary experience that allows to transfer technologies between different fields.
The values that distinguish the team
From the beginning, the vision is to thoroughly analyze the customer’s needs, the specific sector and situation, in order to develop objectively “tailor made” systems, that is, developed independently of any link with the brand, or limits related to the ability to development.
Sometimes using a method instead of a computer is innovation
To obtain extraordinary results it is necessary to follow non-ordinary rules. It is not the specific experience in the sector concerned that counts, but the method used to analyze the problems, without mental constraints, sometimes linked to the experience itself.
A strong contribution to this method of thinking started from the study of the TRIZ method.
A clear and simple description of the method is visible in this video: VIDEO
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